Monday, February 20, 2012

Jeremy Scott fw 12

Jeremy scott's latest collection is a breath of new 'online' freshness. Its almost like a modern interpretation of the 90's hippies. The peace sign and the indian inspired makeup + accesories, was pumped up with some funky cutting edge touch. And combined with computer elements like the funky emoticons, 'eyed' cursors, rainbow keyboard prints, and 90's original bad boy, Bart Simpsons.

One thing to always acknowledge from each one of Jeremy Scott's collection is his references to his past collections. With this one, he revived the fur monsters, the hiking boots, the giant character as belt buckle, plastic coat, and my favourite, the kilt pants! 

Bravo Mr. Scott!

image courtesy of
video courtesy of oyster magazine


  1. Mad, youre not actually took these pictures right?

    1. no :( but I'm hoping someday I'd be able to *crossing fingers* ;D
